Monday, March 2, 2020

10 amazaing tombstone symbols

On Monday February 24 my Beyond the Grave class went to Bethel United Methodist Church Graveyard. We went on a Graveyard scavenger hunt where was finding 10 different Graveyard symbols. Here is some history of the church. The church has been in Downtown Charleston since 1797. The church has moved one time in 1876 where it donated to a black congregation. The old church was called Old Bethel where it moved across the street. The graveyard has been through and survived natural and man made disaters. Bethel stands as the oldest church Methodist Church in Charleston. Now to the 10 amazaing Grave symbol.

This symbol is called the Angel. The meaning of this is symbol is
suppose that the angel is guarding the suppose to be the messenger of God.
Elizabeth M. is buried here.
This symbol is called the Olive Branch. The meaning of this symbol is
peace. I also seen so far that the olive branch is usually on a tombstone
that has a wife and hubsand that is burried together. \
Buried here is Norbert and Sarah Vinro.

This symbol is the Cross. This symbol means some of Christian religion and
Charles C. Seyle is buried here.
This symbol is aWreath Rose. The meaing of this symbol is
represents beauty and virtue.
Buried here is Eya Lee.
This symbol is a Crown. This symbol mean trumpih over death.
Buried here is Charles H. Muckenfuss.
This symbopl is Reef and a Dove. I think this symbol meaning is
one the dove represents peaces and innocence. I think the reef means a the morning of a death.
Buried here is 
This symbol is the Weeping Willow. This symbol meaning is sorrow or mourning.
Buried here is Mrs. Elizabeth Furchess
This symbol is Covered Column. This symbol represent the covering of a coffin in a funeral procession.
Fun fact this is where the term ''pallbearers" come from.
Buried here is Rosa Mary.
This symbol is a Book. This symbol represents a scholar, someone who pubish books.
It also represents a evangelists. This book represents the pastor of the Church and a bible.
Buried here is William H. Fleming, D.D.
This symbol is an Angel . The meaning of this symbol is the angel is watching
overthem and are the messengers to god. This tombstone was in so rough condition that I could not find out
who was buried here.

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